Wild Divine HRV biofeedback bundle - Zen Journey & IOM PE
Wild Divine HRV biofeedback bundle - Zen Journey & IOM PE
Wild Divine HRV biofeedback bundle - Zen Journey & IOM PE
Wild Divine HRV biofeedback bundle - Zen Journey & IOM PE

Wild Divine HRV biofeedback bundle - Zen Journey & IOM PE

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Product Code
Wild Divine

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Zen Journey* programme with the IOM PE sensor>

Compatible with both Windows and Apple

Wild Divine products harness the power of technology to help you deal with the symptoms of stress and anxiety - freeing you to feel calmer in mind and body.

Wild Divine has taken a highly sensitive, scientific instrument and made it compact, portable and affordable, so that now, this high-end technology is available for home-use. There are two parts to the Zen Journey package as supplied to you by Peak Health Online:

  • The first is the Iom PE sensor. This is the hardware; a sophisticated piece of equipment which is designed to assess the level of activity in your autonomic nervous system. Over-activity in this system is responsible for giving you feelings of stress and anxiety. You attach the sensor to one of your earlobes via a small clip and, to your computer via one of its usb ports so that the sensor reading can be analysed.

  • The second part of the package comprises of the "Zen Journey" software, which is compatible with both PC and Mac formats, and is designed to track and analyse the changes being picked-up by the Iom PE sensor attached to your earlobe. The software also has a series of interactive games which use the readings from the sensor to help you to calm your mind and relax your body.

The first step is to install the software on your computer and then attach the Iom PE sensor to one of your earlobes. The sensor than monitors the tiny changes in blood flow in your ear and sends the details back to your computer, giving a continuous and virtually instant measure of your nervous system's activity.

The details of your nervous system's activity is then used by the interactive games on the Zen Journey programme. You will find that success in these games will depend on you learning, with the help of the live feedback, to gradually take control of and manage how active your nervous system is. The more relaxed you learn to become over time, the greater your success will be in the interactive games.

All Divine products work on the clinical principle of Biofeedback which, put into everyday language, states that "You can't control and change what you can't measure". In other words, if you want to try and change something in your life, you need to know how your attempts at change are faring - and this is precisely what the information gathered by the Iom PE sensor enables you to do. The sensor gives you virtually instantaneous feedback on how relaxed your nervous system is at any one moment. And if you discover that it is over-active, giving you symptoms of stress or anxiety, then the interactive games on the Zen Journey software are there to help you learn how to calm your mind and body - and so gradually take back the control over your life.

Biofeedback technology at its best!

To read more about the science behind Wild Divine and the art of balanced living, including details of the equipment's intended use, please click here

More about the Zen Journey training programme

The training programme includes:

  • Authentic, one-on-one training with a real Zen Master

  • 5 levels (robes) to earn

  • All New Feedback Event

  • Intelligent Guide New

  • When ready, the Master delivers your "Robe Talk"

  • Highly customisable, infinitely replayable

  • A rich, rewarding, authentic Zen experience

Wild Divine's Zen Journey features authentic Zen training by Zen Master Nissim Amon. The objective is to progress through the training, earning new robes along the way, with each different colour robe signifying a greater level of skill. Your ultimate goal is to obtain the Black Robe, one step away from the Golden Robe, worn only by Zen Masters.

Authentic Zen

Zen Journey honours tradition but takes advantage of improvements in technology and game mechanics to make the ancient traditions of meditation and balanced living accessible to all.

WIld Divine poster of Ancient and Modern coming together

Wild Divine - using modern technology to pass down ancient wisdom

The Wild Divine IOM PE hardware will detect the quality of your meditations, and feeds these readings back to the Zen Journey training programme. You won't advance until your Zen Master trainer is satisfied that you are making suitable progress towards the next robe. (extra easy settings are included for beginners).

A new and exiting innovation in Zen Journey is the "Intelligent Guide". If you're not progressing in your meditation sessions and your mind is distracted and wandering from the teaching, this will trigger the Master to give you helpful guidance to help bring you back on course. If you are doing very well, the Master will also give you positive feedback.

The secrets of Zen - with Zen Master Nissim Amon

Once you have accumulated enough time at each robe, and participated in enough quality meditation time, the Master will summon you and present you with the next robe. These personal meetings are quality one-on-one time with the Master, where he reveals a story, koan, or teaching that is essential to your success at the next level.

Zen Journey Detail

  • White, Brown, Blue, Purple, Black robes to earn

  • For Beginners and Experts: Choose your settings

  • Zen anywhere: Home, office, hotel, on a flight

  • Includes full version of "Progressive Scan Meditation"

Who is Master Nissim Amon?

Master Amon was trained in Korea by Zen-Master Seung Sahn at the Hwa Gye Monastery, with the designation of monk and Meditation Teacher. Later he travelled to Japan, and studied with G.W. Nishijima, a Soto Zen-Master, from which he received a Dharma Transmission and got his Zen-Master title.

As a wandering monk, he was also trained in the Forest Monasteries of Thailand and in Tibetan Monasteries in India and Nepal. In Puna, India, he taught Zen Practices at the famous Osho Center, where he was exposed to a revolutionary approach to heal emotional wounds, a tool that is used to achieve inner balance.

Zen Journey is very easy to use

  1. Install the software, Mac or PC version, it's compatible with both
  2. Plug the Iom into a USB port and attach the ear clip
  3. Start the program, experience real Zen!

* please note that the latest packaging for this product may differ from that illustrated

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